This is an online practice, and all sessions are conducted virtually, via Zoom.

Radiant Wholeness Sessions

“Having compassion starts and ends with having compassion for all those unwanted parts of ourselves. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.” – Pema Chodron

How We Begin…

forest cropped

We open each virtual Radiant Wholeness session looking at what issue you want to work on, and how you want to be feeling instead. The introductory session is longer, as you will also share current and background information that is useful for me to know. From there, we explore some of the beliefs, fears, family patterns, trauma responses that might be underlying your current situation.

One of my gifts is to identify patterns, and I offer those insights to the service of healing and releasing old wounds. The work is at once gentle and profound. It is multi-dimensional, and impacts the physical, emotional, and spiritual/energetic realms.

Some of the guiding beliefs that inform my work include:

  • There is nothing wrong with you (no, really, there isn’t!)
  • You have the innate wisdom to heal yourself, and part of you knows just what you need
  • It is my role to use the skills I have to guide you in accessing that wisdom
  • The coping strategies you developed had inherent wisdom at the time you developed them. Now, they might need some updating
  • The mind, body, and spirit are inextricably linked, and physical symptoms are the body’s way of trying to get our attention
  • Many of our patterns and beliefs are hard-wired into our DNA and are inherited
  • Acceptance of what is and self-compassion are the gateway to change


“You’ve been criticizing yourself for years

Integrative Mind Body Sessions

Sessions follow the above principles and have the same goals, including:

  • Following current day issues and habitual patterns to their root
  • Healing old wounds and limiting beliefs to create more space for other possibilities
  • Reconciling and reintegrating the fragmented parts so you can better reach your full potential

To accomplish these goals, sessions usually follow the general structure:

  • 10-15 minute check-in (both about anything that’s shifted since our last session, and anything that has been challenging that you’d like to explore).
  • Movement, self-massage, and guided meditation to ground and have deeper access to your body and intuitive knowing
  • An exploration of what is wanting healing (which may, for example, lead us to childhood memories, a mind-body split, ancestral trauma, limiting beliefs, or coping strategies that no longer serve us…)
  • Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques) on the wound, coping strategy, and/or belief
  • Energy healing/clearing if appropriate
  • The integration of new beliefs and possibilities
  • Practices to do in between sessions, as needed

“Jenny has been a huge help and support to me these last few years. I had no idea how complex ancestral issues and past life issues contributed to my experience of gender dysphoria, chronic depression, and frequent anxiety. Jenny peeled apart some intensely complex issues for me, and I am eternally grateful for the gift of a new life – a life I can live without fear and in freedom, without the burdens of the past keeping me from my wholeness.” – Dion W.

“Jenny is amazing in her ability to provide insightful feedback. Her intuition is spot on. I worked with her doing EFT and found her safe, compassionate, knowledgeable, and healing. She seems to have many different modalities, from EFT to visualization, and uses them with great skill. I recommend her highly if you are trying to work through issues, find resolution or know yourself better.” – Leigh G.

Click here to set up a free Radiant Wholeness 30-minute strategy call.

Why Zoom Sessions Work

Before the pandemic, about 90-95% of my practice was in person and 5-10% over Zoom. Like so many, at the start of California’s March 2020 Shelter-In-Place, I switched to 100% Zoom, and after 5 ½ months of paying for an office I wasn’t using, had to make the tough choice of giving it up.

After a year and a half of Zoom sessions (which clients have mostly done on their phones or tablets, at times in parks or in cars), I have found that for most clients, Zoom sessions are as effective than in-person, and can be more self-empowering because:

  • Virtual sessions enable them to learn how to ground themselves through movement and self-massage (rather than me doing bodywork on them)
  • They learn how to tap on themselves (rather than me tapping on them), which is a great self-healing technique.
  • They are more likely to be on time/relaxed than when dealing with Bay Area traffic

I’ve been amazed at how many of my long-term clients’ progress increased multiple-fold doing Zoom sessions (in part because of the isolated/triggering conditions of the pandemic, but also in part because of the medium).

As a practitioner, seeing you in your natural environment can be helpful in getting a better understanding of your situation. Also, as a highly sensitive practitioner, during in person sessions I spend a lot of energy grounding my energy. Zoom provides a natural boundary which enables me to more readily access my own intuitive senses.

If you aren’t sure, feel free to set up a Zoom strategy call to try it out. Also, the Introductory sessions are a no-commitment way of knowing if this might work for you.

Bi-Monthly EFT Circles

EFT circles are a fun, affordable way to experience EFT and to clear emotional issues in a group setting. The theme changes each month.

These take place every other month over Zoom. Click here for my upcoming circles.

Session Length and Structure

The introductory session last one hour and 50 minutes. Regular sessions last one hour and 20 minutes. Sessions are longer than conventional therapy, as we are doing deep, transformative work that requires time to bring to completion.

After the initial session, I generally ask for a minimum commitment of 4 weekly sessions if you decide it’s a good match. After that, it depends on your goals and needs.  I have found that regular, scheduled sessions, especially in the beginning, are most effective for bringing about long-term change in deeply entrenched patterning, but I’m also flexible based on people’s needs.

I have a 48-hour cancellation policy. You will be charged for any session that is cancelled after that time.

Virtual Session Fees

Introductory 110 minute session $195
Package of 4 weekly (once a week) 80 min sessions, with bonus $610
Package of 4 biweekly (every two weeks) 80 min sessions, with bonus $650
**Four month anxiety reduction program $2050 (if paid in full)
Individual 80 minute session $175

** For more info on this program, click here.

Note: I have a limited number of discounted session slots, so if you would like to work with me but aren’t sure you have the means, feel free to reach out and set up a consultation


The sessions are highly intuitive and integrate a number of tools pretty seamlessly to meet the needs you have in the moment. The modality that I am using may not be obvious. However, the following are some of the main ones I use. See credentials for more information.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT, or tapping) combines tapping on acupuncture points, elements of psychotherapy and universal concepts of love and acceptance to heal physical and emotional imbalances.

The Hakomi Method is an experiential and body-based form of psychotherapy that uses mindfulness to examine and transform core beliefs.

Matrix Reimprinting is a derivative of EFT that works on quantum levels to shift core beliefs and traumatic responses to past events.

Depth Hypnosis combines hypnotherapy, Buddhist principles, energy medicine, and shamanic principles to heal and clear patterns at their root.

Energy Work explores the impact of our beliefs and past experiences on our energy field. I use it to help clients learn to ground, set energetic boundaries, clear others’ energies from their fields and update agreements that are outdated.

Shamanic Healing enables the client (guided by the practitioner, in the way I practice it) to access guidance about what is needed for healing and reintegrate disconnected parts. A key concept is soul loss, in particular after a traumatic event, which leads the person to feel like a part of him or her is missing.

Traditional Chinese Medicine provides a framework for understanding how energy flows through the body, and what blockages might occur when the system is out of balance.

Please note that I’m not a licensed psychotherapist. Sessions are not intended to replace medical or psychiatric assistance.