I have recently been going through a difficult and intense situation with a condo I just bought, and this is the message I received about it, which I’m sharing as I feel like so many of us are going through transformative experiences:
You are in a cycle of death and rebirth. Right now, it probably feels like being caught at sea in the middle of a raging storm. All the coping strategies and beliefs you have clung to for safety are all crumbling around you. Don’t fight or resist it. Don’t look for a lifeboat to save you. The more you try to hold on to the wreckage of the old paradigm, the more likely it is that you’ll get caught in the undertow, and feel trapped. Powerless. Drowning in despair. Collapsed. Let go. Allow the waves to wash away the vestiges of the past that no longer serve you.
Everything needs to fall apart before you can rise again. If you contract or resist, you will merely intensify and prolong your suffering. This experience is helping you cultivate a deep, abiding, unwavering trust that life is unfolding exactly as it’s meant to. Even in times of apparent crisis. Although you don’t have the hindsight needed to see it right now, everything is serving a purpose.
When you allow the dissolution of your safety net, of this old iteration of self, you will find freedom. Clarity. The solid ground within you that is not dependent on external circumstances aligning for you to feel safe. What is unfolding is bigger than your cognitive mind can possibly comprehend.
Unfurl your grasping fingers. Surrender to the chaos. The not knowing. Let the tides wash away your dreams, knowing that when day breaks, the sun will shine again.
© Jenny Brav